getting into the weeds of the garden

I've always wanted my own site. Not just a portfolio or a blog, but something that represented my personality and my passion for web development. A place where I could express myself. I can't draw very well, or sing, or create many forms of art. This site is my art form.

The design is not totally user-friendly, the writing will not always make sense or be 100% correct. Heck, I have a cat icon in the navbar with no explanation.

I nicknamed this place Zen Litter Box solely for this reason. It doesn't take itself seriously, it is a place I can freely develop crazy features that make no sense and have no place in the world.

Somewhere I can post small snippets of things I learned or a Snapple bottle cap fact I found interesting. Did you know the Cookie Monster's real first name is Sid?

I hope you do not judge this place too harshly and take time to appreciate each piece that I have crafted with the upmost care.

At the time of writing this note, I have just begun my work on this site and I am sure I will change it drastically as time goes on. Until that point you and I will have to ponder on The Ship of Theseus and whether this site is what it was originally intended to be. Thank you for visiting and I hope you find some joy here.